Hello, and welcome to another ten-step tutorial by Emily Drawing! Today’s tutorial is all about drawing the orca! We will take you through nine simple steps to draw this amazing creature.
The orca is the largest member of the dolphin family. It can grow as long as 32 feet and weigh as much as 22,000 pounds! Baby orcas are known as calves; they’re about 8.5 feet long and 265 to 353 pounds.
Orcas have sleek bodies with dorsal fins that grow as tall as 6 feet in males. They’re also known for their black and white coloration, featuring a black back and white underside. Orcas have a 3-inch to 4-inch layer of blubber to keep them warm and store energy. Babies are black and creamy white to orange because of their thin layer of blubber.
These sea animals are at the top of the food chain, and they don’t have any natural enemies. Their diet consists of fish, squid, sea turtles, sharks, large whales, and even other dolphins. Orcas use echolocation, hunting groups, and beaching as ways to hunt for food. In fact, they’re very intelligent creatures and work together when hunting.
Orcas are found in all oceans, but especially in colder areas such as Alaska, Norway, and Antarctica. In the wild, a male’s lifespan is about 29 years, while a female’s lifespan is over 80 years. Orcas have a shorter lifespan in captivity because of the stress.
As you can see, orcas are tough creatures that have been around for years. Now, it’s time to start the tutorial. Grab your colored pencils or markers, and get ready to learn how to draw this sea animal.
- a piece of paper
- a pencil for the guiding lines and sketching
- an eraser
- a black sharpie or a pen for the outlines
- markers or colored pencils for coloring
- our printable drawing guide (Join my Email List below to get this Tutorial)
Here are my RECOMMENDED Art Supplies!
- Crayola Coloring Set (140 Pieces – Mega Value!)
- 24 Colored Crayon Set
- A4 Printer Paper
- Crayola Coloring Pencils
- HP Home Printer with Instant Ink!
Time needed:
15 minutes.
How to Draw an Orca — Let’s get started!
Step 1 – Draw The Orca’s Body
The first step is to draw the orca’s body, which is long and round. You’ll draw a small curve outward as part of the orca’s face. Leave a small space open on the bottom center. This area plays a part in the next step.
Step 2 – Draw The Orca’s Front Flipper
Draw the orca’s front fin, also known as the pectoral flipper, in the space left open. If your orca is facing toward the left, the flipper should curve outward and slightly to the left; the same for an orca facing the right side. Orcas use their front flippers to steer and stop while swimming.
Step 3 – Draw The Orca’s Right Back Fluke
Next, you’ll draw the orca’s right-back fluke. Like fins and flippers, this fluke faces outward to help with swimming. Did you know that orcas can swim at speeds of 30 kilometers per hour? They can also use their flukes to communicate with other orcas by slapping the water, which they do for hunting and socialization.
Step 4 – Draw The Orca’s Left Back Fluke
Now, you’ll draw the orca’s left back fluke. It’s on the other side of the tail and also facing outward but opposite of the right fluke. The orca’s tail can grow up to 9 feet in males. No wonder they can swim fast!
Step 5 – Draw The Orca’s Dorsal Fin
For the next step, you’ll draw the orca’s dorsal fin on the center of its back. This is a good way to practice your curves and round shapes. Fun fact: A male orca’s dorsal fin can grow up to 6 feet tall. Dorsal fins are used for stabilization, hydrodynamics, body temperature regulation, and identification.
Step 6 – Draw The Marking on The Orca’s Underside
The next step is to draw the markings on the orca’s underside. You’ll only draw somewhat curved lines on each side of the front flipper. It should look like the front flipper is hiding some of the markings.
Step 7 – Draw The Marking on The Orca’s Face
Next, you’ll draw a simple marking on the orca’s face. It’s just a round shape around where the eye should be, but be sure to leave enough space to add the eye inside the shape. This is probably one of the easiest steps of the tutorial.
Step 8 – Draw The Orca’s Face
The final step of the drawing tutorial is to add the orca’s face. Use a simple dot within the facial marking for its eye. Then, you can add a smile under its nose to create a friendly character. Remember, you’re only viewing the orca from the side, so you only need one eye and half of the mouth. This is ideal for anyone who feels they need more practice in drawing faces.
Step 9 – Color In Your Drawing!
Now it’s time for the best step of all, coloring in your orca! We’ve chosen to draw an adult, so our orca is black with white markings. If you want to color a baby orca, remember to substitute the white markings with creamy white to orange markings. Some describe the shade as a peachy-orange color. Another option is to use different colors altogether, creating an original sea character. Don’t forget to color the background of the picture to create the scene you have in mind, from swimming underwater to beaching itself on land to capture food. We want you to have fun drawing and coloring your orca!
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We’ve just finished this how-to-draw an orca tutorial. Did you enjoy crawling this huge sea animal? Are you excited to brush up your skills on other animals and characters? If you’re looking to draw other animals, be sure to check out the tutorials on our site. We offer a range of fun, easy drawing tutorials!